Please sign our guest book. We would be pleased if you would give us some feedback regarding the content and format of information presented throughout this website. Some previous guests' comments are listed below the form.

Thank you!

  Submitted   Author   Comment  
   07/03/2016   doddridge   Fantastic collection Tony, Wow!! Best regards Chris Doddridge.  
   05/17/2016   Price   I have the Nevermore sitar and it is up for sale. Please contact me, if interested!  
   05/01/2016   garneau   Studied with Nkhil, Ravi and Ali Akbar! ho ho Play here and there. Got a broken hiren roy since yesterday!  
   06/26/2015   Assifi   Hi Tony, It has been a few years since you left for India. I still play the Rikhi Ram Gold label you restored for me, however it is in need of minor repairs and a decent chakari Please email or call me at (949) 648 2882 All the Best ! Tamim  
   03/01/2014   Teymouri   Great work! I enjoy browsing through the galleries and looking at all the beautiful instruments. I hope that one day I'll be able to afford a custom-made instrument!  
   05/27/2013   Thompson   I am just blown away by your innovation, and the simple elegance of the Number 1 domestic! Your creativity and attention to detail are inspiring. I am interested to know what the cost would be to have such an instrument built by you. Truly gifted and seasoned, you are.  
   05/23/2013   Aeppli   Mr. T sahib, Long time my friend. Your work is achieving the level of very fine art. I just purchased a Taus and need your sage advice regarding the care and feeding. It came in a typical hodgepodge of string gauges and is to delicate for me to just start cranking the pegs around. My best regards to you, I have missed our visits and fellowship of so many years. Peace and all that, Abdul  
   03/28/2013   Reynolds   Wroks of art. Stunning.  
   01/23/2013   elkabir   great work and great collection  
   12/26/2012   Dehler   Just received the Sitar that my mom bought from Fanish in Charlotte.   
   09/29/2012   jagatkar   Dear Mr. Tony / Mrs . Shilini Ji , Very Good After Noon , Hope you remembers me , We done some logistics solutions for ur sita in pune , I hope ur doing greate . Are you in india or settled in pune now , How other things are on . My son lucky is ok , He is now years old by all your well wishes . Stay in toutch for any assistence , Good Day .  
   09/04/2012   Ganjam   Great Stuff men ¡¡  
   09/03/2012   MacKay   Hello Tony, so glad to have found you again. You have repaired my tampoura in tha past, and I need antother string so was wondering if you were back in Carlsbad or still in India. Am so happy to hear that you are following your passion. I may be interested in a small sized tampoura some time.   
   08/30/2012   Mason   The instruments are as beautiful as ever Tony. I did enjoy the carving on the base of the money shot No.1. It somehow reminded me of the LORD OF THE RINGS movie. Maybe if I yet win lotto.....I could beg such a concept in a new creation off you someday ! All the very best. Ken Mason  
   07/13/2012   Shelt   An admirer of beautiful well crafted musical insturments.   
   05/27/2012   Tibbitts   Tondo, old shoe! I understand you haven't been returning people's salutations – at least that's what I hear from George My Dove. Incidentally...can't see jackshit out of this eye! :-) Talk to you later, Mondo Richard  
   05/15/2012   Ramaekers   I've been playing sitar for about a year now,I like the sitar I have yet i feel some corners were cut in it,s production.......The finish has already cracked, and the fact that they left wood chips free floating inside the instrument,makes me wonder. Maybe they were looking for a rainstick effect. What kind of price range are your instruments.They are beautifull and well made from what I can see. You made a comment about the Shristi Shind,with the solid headstock! I was looking at that as my next sitar. I would rather have one made by your shop.Is that possible and how much....? RRamaekers...  
   05/11/2012   Latif   Dear Tony Gi, I pray you are doing well! I am slowly dessicating the dry air prevents mold. I am to weak to support or pull the strings on Padmini anymore. I cants live without the music though. Do you have a line on an oud (cheep) or would you sell the one I gifted to you? I've been dancing with the sales agent for the same manufactuer as that oud. Following the new business model they do not even know or care enough to tell me what the soundboards are made of, or if the one I order will be the one I recieve, crazy huh? Check them over at and give me your impression of the Egyptian ouds please, should I buy one? :o). I'm sorry for the time that has slipped between us, I seldom surface any more. the murder of my teacher and friend has had a profound impact on me, 30 years ago the author Joan Halifax told me that in 20 years or so many of us would have to go underground. I do so for my lovely Susies sake. We do continue to do the good work providing supplemental food to @ 300 persons here, provide school supplies and atheletic scholarships to local teenagers and take in and love slightly used or abandoned doggies, just lost one but 5 at current count oh and a horse and a goat!! If you ever travel this way look us up. You have been a good friend for a large part of my life. I hope you are prospering and happy in the Carolinas. Peace to you and Shai and the eternal kitties.  
   05/06/2012   McGill   Hi Tony, just wondered if there a preferred way to get hold of you with some general questions before your SitarFixing Jawari Roadshow event this summer. Looking forward to that. bye, N  
   03/29/2012   Nadkarni   you have many instruments but no prices. How do i get some feel for what the prices are?  
   12/22/2011   limaye   innovative job done!  
   12/17/2011   Fleming   Really beautiful intstruments on the site. I wish I could afford one! You''ll see my wee baby soon, shipped it today!  
   12/13/2008   Harper   I love the faster site! Thank you for raising the bar of sitar craftsmanship higher than it has ever been. Your courage to innovate and the humility to learn from the great masters of yore result in sitars of stunning beauty!  
   10/10/2008   Alan Sitar   want to buy the Nightdubber sitar ... How can we make it happen?  
   09/15/2008   Chris   I have a sitar with a tag on it says Hemen&Co. 140/Rash Behari Ave,Cal-29 INDIA--I was wanting to knowof value it's worth? How much it's worth ad how to find a buyer for it? Thank you Chris  
   07/27/2008   ponce   Interested in buying a sitar - I'm left handed Do you make custom left handed sitars from you're standard production models?  
   07/25/2008   Seidler   I am still dreaming of a Rudra Veena. need help :-)  
   07/12/2008   Lobacz   Hello Tony, It was nice to hear from you all the way from India.I hope you return to the US is smooth and safe. I look forward to working with you .My vintage Rikhi Ram needs your help and care to bring it back to life, and maybe when its done we can add the before and after photographs to your website. Peace in our time. Tony L.  
   07/12/2008   Vogler   Very nice web site. I wish I found you sooner. Nice instruments at very competitive prices. I am an rank amateur sitarist/surbaharist who has fallen in love with Indian string instruments. I have been picking up junker sitars on EBAY now and again to practice restoration, esp. birdheads, esp. R.Ram. thanks for your work   
   07/02/2008   Werner   Tony, Great looking sitar! I am interested. Let me know if I can get one from you! Doc  
   07/02/2008   Steiger   Hello Tony! I take it that things are happening for you in Pune? I doing ok, still drumming for belly dancers and so on. I have fond memories of our performances together. Check out my Myspace site: Be well! Always, Richard  
   04/25/2008   Siers   I want learn Sitar, however only supplier in Seattle is Lark in the Morning can i trust a shop with no competition?  
   03/21/2008   Tibbitts   Toniji, When will you return to your homeland? Your adoring fans and musical colleagues alike have been clamoring for your return, and they won't be satisfied until they get some information! Sincerely, Primaši Rep #002  
   01/15/2008   McWilliams   Hello from Southern California Tony! I miss hearing you pound on my ceiling. Shawna and I (and the new children Bear and Maddie - altogether 8 legs of Yorkshire fury) send our love. Please let me know if you're back in the States.  
   01/13/2008   Estey   Your sitars far surpass every instrument I have ever laid my eyes on.  
   12/23/2007   Change   I have always loved the sound of the sitar. Now that I am seroiusly looking to purhase one I have searched out for makers and your site came up. I have book marked it so I may revisit it in the near future. I have no idea what to look for when selecting a sitar but enjoyed reading your comments. Maybe one of your models will be selected or maybe I will have a custom one made. Thank you!  
   12/13/2007   Yadav   My residence is at Sangli which is 5 kms. away from Miraj. I am engaged in the profession designing web sites. Your site is good. I am also in a mood to have a new web site for sitar and other instrument in sound.   
   12/05/2007   Ugartechea   How goes? How's Momcat? Had a stent put in way back in March and doing good. Hope all is well with you. Anne  
   11/27/2007   Wise   Great site! I am considering buying a tanpura for my wife and like the care you show for the instruments.  
   11/19/2007   Ron   Tony, Sharla & I are honored to have you as a visitor. The last week has been a wonderful journey into the world of Classic indian music. You are truly a master. Ron & Sitarla  
   10/28/2007   Lennon   Hello, I am interested in any information you might be able to direct me to regarding the construction of a simple sitar. Thank you very much.  
   10/25/2007   Rook   Hey, Great Instruments, Would love to hear a good one being played by A nishat Khan, Patrick Moutal etc. Do you make Sursringars or Sarodes Or Rudra Veenas ?  
   10/06/2007   Serazetdinov   Dear Tony. I cannot get through to your e-mail account. I am interested in your shallow-profile ¾ sitar. On your website it is indicated that you expect more of these to be ready by now. Please inform me on availability and prices of these instruments. Looking forward to your answer, Many thanks in advance.   
   09/24/2007   Mason   Hi Tony and Shai, Hope the health probs are beginning to clear up. Decided to have another drool at the sitars. I miss my model 'B'......but its got a good home, I trust. Maybe one day.......I'll be able to replace it with one I've wanted to see created.......inspired by my Celtic roots....and LOTR. Blessings Ken.   
   09/07/2007   Klotz   This site, and your instruments, and your museum are awesome. No one else communicates such a sense of awe and reverence for the beauty of these instruments. I aspire to owning one of your sitars, one day. It is great to come here and enjoy your work. Thanks.  
   07/26/2007   Giacobini   Just want to say what a wonderful job is that you are achieving!!! Im very interested in your creations, they are surely priceless masterpieces. Currently cant afford one... But i am very curious if your company makes a more affordable line of instruments for begginer players like me. In any case I think they are great and im sure they are worth every rupee...!!!thanx a lot!!  
   07/15/2007   Ulven   Tony, great to meet you last week. Thanks for the concert & reviving a wonderful instrument. Rick has it at home this weekend having a ball and it will go home Monday! Thanks as well for all the great information. Be well, Juel.  
   07/04/2007   shahidali   dear tonyji how are you where are you now i am intrested to show you my new oven sitar so i am contact you watting for your mail yours in music shahidalisitarmaker  
   04/11/2007   DeSomer   I've enjoyed browsing your site. I haven't seen information here as to how to purchase a standard instrument. I'll be in the market to buy a pro quality sitar in 12 months. I hope to track your progress as you become settled here in the states. Please feel free to stay in touch.  
   04/05/2007   Taylor   I guess you must be in Chicago as you told me when I spoke to you a couple weeks ago. I have some free time now, and also the means to undertake that dream tanpura we discussed, and also tweak my current (3) tanpura jawaris and give me some guidance on how to do that for myself. Please let me know at your earliest. I'm really excited to find someone on the East Coast within 500 miles of my home whom I may be able to trust with my jawaris. Best wishes, David Taylor  
   04/04/2007   Kotler   Hi Tony, Glad you are back in the States. Good luck with your future endeavors and thanks again for a wonderful sitar! Travis Kotler  
   03/25/2007   Wijesinghe   How are you doing? Hey this is a new feature, the message board? A good one, now that everyone can pen something in appriciation of your beautifull work. Your sitar (now mine) is just doing fine. Its getting better day by day. I played in an ochestra again, a composition based on Kafi, very nice. I want to get the fully carved double thumba sitar as we planned. Is the project still open. You can revise the price to suite the inflation ....Mmm.. Sorry for not being in touch for a long time for personal reasons. Give my regards to Shilini as well.....   
   02/15/2007   LIVINGSTONE   Hey Tony, Whats up are you in India? I just came across your site, wow you have been busy!!! this is great! It looks like you've come a long ways since the Carlsbad days. Hope I can play one of your sitars soon. My website is to get current on my thang. All the best! paul livingstone   
   02/11/2007   Stanton   Hello gentlemen! My name is Joshua Stanton, sitarist, of Winnipeg. The work represented on your site, I have to say, just floors me. The Don sitar, the Ari sitar (I studied with Ustad Irshad Khan; love "gayaki" sitars) and the Burma Teak: a living dream, to its bones! --A true masterpiece. The duck nuts, I almost can't believe. Mr. Karasek, sir, you are a DESIGNER! --and, need I add, a genius. I myself have dabbled in these things, though with comparative modesty...You might get a "kick" out of my Dobro-Vina; it's on Played upright, like an electric guitar, it's a prototype I've worked on since '93. I am going to put all of my music-friends onto your site. Simply amazing! -Joshua  
   02/04/2007   Rai   hey there, awesome site. Finally I think we found someone who can probably make Indian instruments with the same presicion high quality western instruments are made. I'm the son of the late Sarod master Vasant Rai, my brother and I have been thinking for a long time to reengineer this instrument as the present version of the hemen sarod is very unergonamic. (did I just screw up that word)?? anyways you know what I mean! I'd love to talk to you more about this. maybe we can work together and improve this instument. Btw I love your attention to detail!! Andy   
   01/07/2007   Owens   Great site sir ... i have learned much from your words in the forums on repairs and much , much more. Wish you and yours the best. Someday I shall possess one of your axes. Cheers  
   01/06/2007   Craft   Tony, Your instruments are beautiful in appearance and sound. My son Eli is taking lessons from Roger O'Dell here in Roanoke. As I told Roger the sound is "Ear Candy" Hope to meet you in March. Kenny  
   01/02/2007   domingue   WOW !!!!!  
   12/14/2006   Abidi   Hello Tony, I would like for you to check the instruments that were made in Lahore, Pakistan around the time it separated from India. I still think that a great many sitar makers are still producing good instruments. It would be fun if you come across one from the 1920-1940 era which was made in Lahore. Good Luck PA  
   12/13/2006   Jordan   Hey Tony, Thanks so much for the wonderful sitar, it is a masterpiece, and it sings, it is an ocean of sound!!! If anyone out there is looking for a sitar, your search is over, you have arrived!!! Thanks again Craig  
   12/12/2006   ploeger   Wow! Excellent website and gorgeous sitars! I am a rank beginner on sitar after 30 years playing cello. I am searching for a sitar to call my own. I think one of your instruments may be that one.... Would love to play one. Thanks! A.  
   11/30/2006   Gisonno   Hi Tony....stumbled into your web site...thought I'd say hi... sooOOoo hi ! Ps. I saw the modified Rick bass ...too cool...(think I know that bass) take care man Bob  
   11/19/2006   James   Your sitars look equisite. I'm going to India in 2008 and can only hope to have a much closer look. My current sitar's jawari is fading and I need a new one (sitar, that is....!!)  
   11/12/2006   Latif   yo binky, nice new website look. I'll be back in the saddle next week. New computer. Don't attend forum no more too much veen to play and to much sword to swing.  
   11/11/2006   Harsch   Hi Tony, Just a short self-introduction, I have been following your advise on the Sitar forum since March 2006. And I've been wanting to make contact since the summer. At this point I just want to say THANK YOU !!! for sharing all your beautiful photos with novice musicians and web surfers like myself.The photos are Magic and sustain me (and many others I bet ) with joy and hope.I'm one of those dreamers that likes his sitars Very shiny and deeply carved.And yours are just that. On your posts on the forum, there are subtle comments that you may be returning to the west - continental North America,is this true?  
   11/10/2006   Emory   Tony, This is exciting!! A new msg. board! Countdown continues until you send my new sitar child. Thank you for all your artistry, advice, etc... So satisfied I spent the extra $$ for a top quality, individual sitar from you instead of a mass produced headache. Can't wait to start my Sitar Journey & you've made it possible! I will recommend you to everyone who's interested! Thank you.   
   11/08/2006   Sparks   G'day tony, we met in Sept. 2004 through a friend of mine named Paul Eagle how happened to buy a sitar off you at the time.You also set up my Dilruba for me that i got in Pune,which by the way is doing just fine. I bought Pauls original sitar and have been playing it daily working through Ravi Shankar exercise book.Anyway thought i'd say Hi and that i'm looking forward to coming back to India again.By the way your Sitars look amazing!!! Hope to own one of those babies one day. Take care Carlton   
   11/04/2006   OHara   I found your website as a redirect from "". You are truely an artist, sir.  

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